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Approved Minutes, February 17, 2011
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, February 17th, 2011
6:30 pm
120 Washington St.
Salem, Ma

In Attendance:  John Hayes, Jenna Ide, Adam Segal, Nick Lewis, Jeff Barz-Snell
Honorary member from Salem High School Environmental Club: Meghan Debski
Members not in attendance: Cindy Keegan (Chair), Jeff Brandt, Rob DeRosier, Rick Nye
City Staff: Paul Marquis (Salem Energy Manager & RETF/ City Liaison)
Public: Larry Dennison; Rob Paul
  • Meeting called to order at 6:45 PM
  • January 2011 meeting minutes approved w/ changes
General business
  • Winter Island wind/ Wind Education
  • There was a general discussion of the draft feasibility study for a Winter Island wind energy project that was provided earlier in the week (2/15). Members began to discuss some particulars of the study until a consensus emerged that it would be best to give members an adequate chance to review the study and provide their comments in writing to Paul Marquis for forwarding to Meridian Associates.
  • Some key issues that were considered during this brief discussion included potential utility grid interconnect issues and the condition/ capacity of existing electrical transmission lines servicing Winter Island. Paul Marquis agreed to pose the questions regarding electrical transmission lines to the City Electrician.
  • May 21 Living Green Fair with Salem Chamber of Commerce
  • Member John Hayes noted that Fair was scheduled for same day as Salem State University (SSU) graduation day and that the conflict might result SSU’s declining to participate as a sponsor of the Fair this year. He also noted that he because of his role at SSU, he would not be able to assist with Fair staffing on the day of the Fair itself, but might be able to help out with preparation/ set-up on the Friday before
  • Paul Marquis noted that he and the Salem Chamber of Commerce’s Ben Bouchard had discussed the idea that in order to drive attendance to the Fair, it would likely help to enlist a notable public figure or celebrity to deliver a keynote talk, enlist some notable “anchor” sponsors, screen a film that would attract attention and/ or provide special exhibits or events. Marquis related some ideas that he and Mr. Bouchard had discussed such as “Farmers’ Tables” (Farmers’ Market style), solar powered exhibits and an e-waste collection. Task Force members discussed ideas for keynote speakers including climatologists James Hansen (NASA) and Scott Goetz, State Representative John Keenan and U.S. Senator James Tierney. There was a consensus that one of the elected officials should be approached about participating.
  • Task Force members also agreed that if a film was to be aired it should be something that appeals to a wide audience and is not too “heavy”. Some films suggested included Disney’s “Oceans” and selections from the BBC’s Planet Earth series. One Task Force member suggested discussing it with the group responsible for the Salem Film Festival.
Votes taken
  • None
Documents discussed or offered as exhibits
  • “Winter Island Wind Feasibility Study_DRAFT[1].pdf”
“Form D – Cashflow Model – Phase 2 – Group A ECMS”
Action items completed or closed since last meeting
  • P. Marquis discuss acoustic study flaws with Meridian Associates (completed)
Action items arising from discussion on 1-20-11
  • P. Marquis gather comments on Winter Island wind feasibility study from Task Force members and forward to Meridian Associates – no deadline established.
  • P. Marquis discuss condition/ capacity of electric transmission lines to Winter Island – no deadline established.
  • P. Marquis relate ideas for Living Green Fair to Ben Bouchard from Salem Chamber of Commerce – no deadline established.
Meeting Minutes recorded by Paul Marquis
Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm